Providing Fiscal, Financial and Strategic Leadership
Fiscal Affairs handles the allocation of state appropriations to all University System of º¬Ðß²Ý institutions; manages the internal administration of the University System Office, including budgeting, accounting, purchasing, inventory and cash management; and develops business procedures and practices for USG institutions. The division provides regular reports on the financial performance of University System of º¬Ðß²Ý institutions and the system as a whole.
Departments within Fiscal Affairs
- Accounting and Reporting
Accounting and Reporting supports the University System of º¬Ðß²Ý by providing leadership and guidance to USG Institutions on accounting policies and procedures and related reporting.
- Budgeting
Supports the University System’s highest priorities by identifying, projecting, allocating, and managing the central resources available for operating and capital expenditures.
- Business Services
Provides the highest quality financial and office services to all customers of the University System Office.
- Enterprise Risk Management
The Office of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) supports the University System by providing a systematic, organized and structured framework to align processes, people, systems and information to mitigate or influence risk events that affect the attainment of key strategic goals and objectives adopted by the Board.
- Finance
Finance works closely with the institutions and foundations to help them navigate the complex transactions required to develop and construct alternatively financed facilities. We also develop and maintain policies and procedures and review the public private ventures portfolio and financial operating data for each project, in conjunction with Facilities.
- Fiscal Affairs
Fiscal Affairs serves the Chancellor, the Board of Regents and the University System of º¬Ðß²Ý by providing leadership on fiscal policy, budgeting, and financial practices and procedures.
- Procurement
System Office Procurement works with University System of º¬Ðß²Ý institutions to open doors to procurement opportunities by providing business communities access to information and bid opportunities.
Enables the University System of º¬Ðß²Ý to increase the quality and consistency of information, increase functionality and service to customers, facilitate the management and control of risk – especially where one person is performing a critical function, and reduce costs through economies of scale.
Fiscal Affairs Resources
- Business Procedures Manual
The Business Procedures Manual sets forth the essential procedural components that each institution within the University System of º¬Ðß²Ý must follow to meet both Board of Regents policy mandates and the statutory or regulatory requirements of the state of º¬Ðß²Ý and the federal government.
- Chief Business/Fiscal Officers
A listing of the chief business/fiscal officers at each USG institution.
​The º¬Ðß²Ý Department of Administrative Services has five primary business services, State Purchasing, Risk Management, Human Resources Administration,​ Fleet Management and Surplus Property.
The Department of Audits and Accounts exists to provide decision-makers with credible management information to promote improvements in accountability and stewardship in state and local government.
- Fiscal Affairs Calendars
Fiscal Affairs offers a range of calendar subscriptions, enabling institutions to effortlessly stay updated with key dates. By subscribing, institutions gain the convenience of monitoring significant Fiscal Affairs key dates seamlessly.